October 24, 2010

Nashville Predators and Midget Wrestling

A trip to the country music capital of the entire world was quick but very eventful. The hotel I stayed at was located right across from the Grand Ole Opryhouse. And you wouldn't believe some of the "live" entertainment that went on out there. On Thursday Nights they have midget wrestling. And this is not held inside for the viewing pleasure of paying customers, but rather out back of a bar, and the parking lot fills up with motorcycles, pick-up trucks, sleeveless t-shirts, and cheap beer cans. Unfortunately I arrived too late to watch any of the brawling, but was just in time for the hardcore burnouts across the litter filled parking lot...leaving behind the smell of burnt rubber. There was also several large groups of rednecks hanging out in the bed of their pickup trucks...

Earlier in the night we headed out and had Zaxby's for the first time. The chicken is absolutely amazing, and has found a very high spot on my fast food rankings. Later we decided to go catch the Nashville Predators game. We found a spot to park, and walked through this alleyway which connected to Broadway St (where the bars and stadium are located) and saw nude karaoke bars, but did not venture inside. We found a scalper and purchased seats 7 rows from the ice for 25 bucks. Once we were inside we learned it was college night, and beer was 1/2 price for the first period and intermission. The game was great and we saw two very young and talented teams in the St. Louis Blues and Predators. The Predators won the game...and we were forced to listen to the obnoxious cheers that occur after every Predators goal!

Anyways Nashville was fun...between my first experience with Zaxby's, the Nashville Predators game, and the aftermath of the midget wrestling spectacle....

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