October 07, 2010

MIller Park, Lakefront Brewery, and a Giant Clock

My trip to Milwaukee was filled with ups and downs. On a positive note, I visited Miller Park, and watched the Brewers take on the Cubs, and crossed another stadium off of the list. However, it was by far my least favorite stadium I have ever attended. It had the feel of a warehouse - very industrial like - with narrow passages between field and concourses. And the worst part was the disgusting smell of skunk Miller Lite that was present throughout the park. In the defense of the Brewers fans - they tailgate for their team much like most college towns I have visited. It was the most extravagant display of tailgating at a professional baseball game I had ever seen. Probably because the Brewers suck, but many fans trickled in to the stadium about halfway through the game in a total state of intoxication. Also Miller Park is home to the famous Sausage Race...and it was the Chorizo who took the crown that evening (see video below).

After the game, we visited some downtown establishments and house-parties at University Wisconsin-Milwaukee. On Sunday it was off for the opening weekend of the NFL to Zim's sports bar. Downtown Milwaukee was very nice, but relatively quiet for a major city. I also was informed that Milwaukee is home to the World's Largest Four-sided Clock Tower (Big Ben of course has only 2 sides).

As the name of the hometown baseball team states, Milwaukee is home to tons of breweries. We decided to tour a small brewery that was home to the first very FDA approved 'Gluten Free Beer' and also the first ever completely organic beer. This brewery was Lakefront Brewery and it was located as the name suggests on the water. To gain perspective on the size of this brewery, Lakefront brews as much beer in 1 year as Anheuser Busch spills in 1/3 shift (8 hours). The tour was fabulous...you were given four free samples of beer and also were given a pint glass at the end of the tour. The guide (who had been drinking on the job all day) was very quick witted and used lots of sexual innuendos throughout. I also learned that Wisconsin allows 18 year olds to drink in public (legally in bars, stadiums, etc.) as long as they are within eye-sight of their parents. The Lakefront Brewery is a must see while in Milwaukee.

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