July 17, 2010

I'm Certainly Not In Kansas Anymore...

After leaving Minneapolis, this week was a bit of culture shock so to speak. It started out with a 5 or so hour drive to Council Bluffs, Iowa. On the way we passed some pretty interesting stuff...De Soto, Iowa (aka the birthplace of John Wayne - pilgrims), Drew's Chocolates (random food stop for chocolates), campgrounds & windmills. The hotel was filled with baseball teams who ran around like hyenas on acid. We had a bevy of top-class restaurants to eat at, and chose the classiest "Applebees"... thank goodness we were only stayed there for the evening.

A quick drive across the border took me to Omaha, Nebraska. After my first true day on the job...we packed up and traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska. Drove through Nebraska's campus...and stayed downtown at the Cornhusker, Marriott. I learned a few things from my trip to Lincoln...someone stole all of the sleeves off of their shirts (never seen so many bare arms in my entire life), apparently establishments must denote that you are not allowed to carry firearms inside of them (which I thought was self-explanatory), and Nebraska has some delicious tasting cows (Lazlo's Brewery and Grill had one of the most amazing steaks I have ever tasted - good beer too!).

From there it was off to Kansas City, and my first true experience of no cell phone coverage upon the miles of corn in Nebraska. Kansas City was nice...sampled some true KC Bar-B-Que and won $200 at the casino. The following day I attempted my first presentation and then headed for greener pastures by traveling to Chicago.

Arrived in Chicago late last night, and am about ready to hit the city...until we meet again!

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