January 31, 2011

Hamburgers & Wine, Santana Row, and San Franciscan Burritos

After finishing up work in Clovis we packed up and headed up to the mountain-town of Sonora, California. The drive was awesome...tons of great landscape and of course vineyards and cattle (see the pictures taken during at pit-stop with a good vantage point). For dinner we drove around Sonora until deciding to try the burgers at 'The Diamondback'. The kobe beef burger was on-point and perhaps the greatest tasting burger I have ever had. Accompanying the burger was a glass of Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand known as Vicar's Choice (I would recommend it to anyone who likes wine).

Friday came around quick and it was time to start the weekend off...a trip back to San Jose was the plan. A upscale shopping area, Santana Row (in San Jose), is where the night started. Rosie McCann's, an Irish Pub turned Night-club, was a really fun place - drinking, dancing, and more drinking. We split two visits to Rosie's with a drink over at Roux (a New Orleans style restaurant) - I tried the beer 'Purple Haze' for the first time!

Saturday called for a trip into San Francisco...along the way we stopped for dinner in Palo Alto (close to Stanford University). 'The Old Pro' was the spot...equipped with a wide array of beers, great sports decorations (including a Virginia Tech flag), and a mechanical bull. However, I would not recommend the pulled-pork sandwich. Leaving Palo Alto we went to a 'Gravity' a club in San Francisco which was a blast...however, all the women had migrated to the upstairs lounge...and we vacated the club before realizing that an upstairs existed. Next was a quick visit to 'Temple' which doubled as a classy euro-techno bar upstairs with white tile floors, VIP lounge, and columns and a hood-rat hip-hop dance party in the basement. The stone floors and break-dance competitions made for a fun environment. After calling it quits we made our way to the Latin section of town...for some authentic Mexican food. A steak burrito hit the spot and just topped off a great night and weekend.

The following week was a short work-week comprised of an event on MLK Day in Pleasanton, CA (which was extremely light). Afterwards we drove to Monterey Bay, California. The views of the water along the road were terrific. We set out for some good fresh seafood at a local spot, but due to the holiday it was closed. Hence, we trekked down to the fishing wharf and visited one of the local tourist-trap seafood restaurants. I had some Mahi-Mahi and rice as well as some calamari as an appetizer. It was a pretty solid meal.

Our final stop on our Northern California tour was back in Clovis. We drove through downtown Fresno and saw the home of big time bust David Carr - Fresno State University. Dinner was back at Cool Hand Luke's but instead of the Prime Rib, I ordered the NY Strip and this piece of meat was even more tasty than the previous steak. I also tried bacon potato soup...which was pretty scrumptious as well.

It had been fun visiting all of these sights up north in California but it is finally time to get down South...

Photos of the California Landscape

Glorious Sunshine

Loving the Scenery

California Mountainside

Off into the Distance

Northern California

Cows on the Plains

Reminds me of the Gateway Commercials

January 12, 2011

Living the West Coast Life

As the holidays came to a end, it was time to get back to work. 2011 means a new territory, this time the West Region (7 states - including: California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington etc.). The 2nd round of the journey started with a cross-country flight to Los Angeles where I watched Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps for a 2nd time. And I thought it was much better the second time around. Upon landing we checked in at the hotel in Irvine, California and had the California famous In-N-Out Burger. The lemonade was absolutely amazing...and I was surprised to see that a chain can be so successful with literally 3 items on the menu. Regardless of that it was delicious.

The next morning we made the drive up to San Jose, CA. The drive was quite long, but was a good way to see many different aspects of California. First we drove through Los Angeles and saw the hills of Hollywood. We also drove through Pasadena and saw the Rose Bowl up on the hill. Next came the plains of Tejon Ranch. After passing through the vast lands of Tejon Ranch we came across one of the largest cattle herds I have ever seen. There had to be at least 6 million cows on the side of the road - and the let's just say the ground was permanently stained brown from their droppings. And the scent of their crap stretched for miles...and it was ridiculously horrific.

After finally breathing fresh air again we drove through the Diablo Mountain Range and along various aqueducts along the road. It was a scenic journey, and reminded me of Lost and also the Gateway commercials with the cows running over the huge grassy hills.

We finally arrived at San Jose and checked into the hotel. For dinner we ate at a local Mexican grocery store, and had some authentic Carne Asada Tacos. The next day we stuck with the multicultural theme and ate at a super-Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was located in a shopping center where all the marquees where written in some variety of the Asian symbols. We ate at a Chinese restaurant where utensils were frowned upon, and so I practiced my chop-stick technique and graduated from completely miserable to some-what competent by the end of the meal. The sweet-n-sour ribs were alright, a little too authentic for my liking.

Dinner definitely was a much better meal...we drove to BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse and settled in at a booth to watch the NCAA National Championship - Auburn v. Oregon. Being out west it was literally Oregon city and I was one of the few pulling for the SEC team. The food and beer was delicious - I had 3 of the local brews (Red Ale, Wheat, and Light). Mozzarella Sticks for an appetizer and BBQ Roast Beef sandwich as the main course. We met an older gentleman named Larry who loves mountain climbing - has successfully climbed four of the seven summits already and wants to finish the other three in the near future. Larry was a riot, and gave us some great advice on what to do in the Bay Area for fun.

Tuesday was spent relaxing during the day, but the evening was spent Downtown San Jose at the HP Pavilion for the San Jose Sharks and Toronto Maple Leafs game. The Pavilion was nothing special...it had one round concourse surrounding the ice, and only two tiers of seats...which made walking around the arena quite quick and boring. The atmosphere and game on the other hand were not boring. The Sharks entered the ice through a giant shark-head that hangs from the rafters the rest of the game. All of the fans make a shark-jaw motion with their hands to the Jaws theme-song when San Jose went on the Power-play. Adding to the fun was the large amounts of Toronto fans who made the trip west. There were at least 3 bus loads of fans who came to watch their Leafs. It started slow with only one goal in the first two periods - 1-0 Sharks. However the 3rd period was filled with action...and winded up with Maple Leafs taking a 3-2 lead and then adding an empty netter to clinch the victory.
To make things even better was this group of trashy girls who sat in front of me. These girls had to be at least 16 and were both on the heavy side - the trashier of the two returned from the concession stand with a tray filled with churros, nachos, and a chili-cheese dog. And this uber-trashy girl's crack was hanging out throughout the game. The regular Shark fans continuously referred to her with somewhat-creative names: Crackers, McCracken, Crack-head, etc. and yelled for her to sit-down and pull-up her pants. So after the Leafs scored their fourth goal to take a two-goal lead a majority of the crowd got up and left. The trashy Sharks-fan was yelling at everyone to sit back down and cheer until the end, which as a another die-hard fan I completely understood. Regardless one of the other female Shark fans did not take kindly to this, and told her to pull her pants up. The trashy teenager responded with a swift middle finger and "F*ck you ugly b#t*h." The yelling continued as the one lady walked down the stair and towards the Exit...with words like slut and whore were thrown around casually. The fatso fan then hurled her remaining kernels of popcorn and a half-drank pepsi at the exit which showered down all over fellow Shark fans. This then ignited a screaming match between various fans and this group of teenagers. The teenagers were then escorted out of the stadium but security guards. The clock finally hit zero and the stadium cleared after all of these shenanigans. I exited the stadium to find the group of fatties gossiping outside on the sidewalk and the queen of butt-cracks got super excited when she found half a churro in her jacket pocket...one word TRASH!

After a crazy night at the HP Pavilion. The next day was spent with a viewing of Pirate Radio and then a trip to Clovis, CA (just outside of Fresno). The drive was very nice again driving through the Pacheco Pass - a passage through the mountains. We received a recommendation for dinner to a steakhouse "Cool Hand Luke's". I had a delicious prime rib and steak fries. The prime rib was super tender! The meal was also served with sourdough rolls and chicken and dumpling soup which was extremely tasty. Anyways...it has only been a few days since starting this west coast kick, but I have already seen so much, tried some new foods, and visited a new stadium.

Can't wait for more adventures!

Catching a Game at the Shark Tank!

HP Pavilion - Home of the San Jose Sharks

The Shark Tank

Out of the Shark Head and onto the Ice

Opening Faceoff

Sharks Goal Breaks the Ice

Jumbo Screen and Far-side Faceoff

1st Period Action - Sharks on the Attack

Sharks v. Maple Leafs Faceoff

The Leafs Tie-it-up

Late 3rd Period Action

And the Leafs add an Empty Netter...

Maple Leafs Celebrate a Win

January 08, 2011

The Final Trip in the Central Region

The final trip of the year was spent in the state of Missouri. It started with a stay in St. Louis. A visit to East City Deli - was delicious - Italian beef sandwich! Afterwards we visited the Anheuser Busch factory again and purchased some gifts; however, we took the partial tour and then received our 2 free beers - seasonal winter lager and a blueberry flavored beer. That evening, I made a trip to the Scottrade Center, home of the St. Louis Blues. The venue was beautiful and the seats were great; however, I paid more for one beer at the stadium than I have ever paid for one beer at any other stadium. The game featured the Columbus Blue Jackets - captained by Rick Nash - and the Blues of course. The national anthem was of course sung by a blues singer, but it was unique in the sense that the words were displayed on the jumbo screen and the audience was invited to sing along like a kareoke bar. The game was high scoring, which was great - because every time the Blues scored a man known as "Towel Man" would count down to 3 and then launch a towel from the upper deck down to the lower deck...a real St. Louis legend. There was also a humongous fight that went on in the middle of the game. The two players battled it out forever...legitimately 5 pictures taken over the course of the fight. After a Blues' win we visited the Pourhouse in St. Louis and had a couple of drinks before retiring for the night.

The next day was spent on Washington Avenue. Here we hung out at the Dubliner, and then went to SideBar. At the end of the evening we raided the street vendors for their remaining offerings before calling it an evening.

Finally on Saturday I participated in a Christmas Pub Crawl where I visited the Tin Can - only serves beer in cans, Colorado Bob's - a bar owned by Bob who is originally from Colorado. Later on we visited another bar and I tried Whipped Cream Vodka - mixed with Cranberry Juice. Pretty tasty shooter!

Monday Night Football was spent at Sybergs located in the basement of the hotel across the street from the one we were staying at. Tuesday night we played trivia at the Mac and had St. Louis style pizza. Afterwards we trekked across town and played some shuffleboard with some recently made friends.

The week in St. Louis was split up by a trip to Joplin, MO. Which is basically Oklahoma. A night in the hotel with some Outback carryout and a great Knicks v. Celtics game made this town bearable.

Afterwards it was back to St. Louis for my flight home. On my final evening we visited City Diner and a extremely hipster bar called The Handle Bar. The bar was littered with bicycles and flannel shirts. I normally do not mind the hipster scene; however this was the largest group of obnoxious hipsters ever - perhaps could have set the world record for hipster idiots in one location. They participated in such things as bar stands - others lift your feet over your head with your hands on the bar (similar to a keg stand) and then the bartender assists you in drinking your PBR, pee-wee soccer tunnels to get to the bathroom - hipsters line up along both sides of the narrow passageway to the bathroom and then scream and pummel you with gentle punches as you walk through. Regardless these people love bicycles and flannel and obviously created very new and some-what trendy bar games...I guess.

Anyways that wraps my adventures of 2010. I will be home for the next several weeks. Before shipping off to the West Coast for a whole new set of adventures in a whole new territory!

The Scottrade Center

Columbus Blue Jackets v. St. Louis Blues - Let's Drop the Puck

The Blues' Score


...and it continues...

...still going...

...duking it out...

...finally it comes to an end.

Faceoff in Front of Halak

Rick Nash

Mathieu Garon

Jaroslav Halak

Faceoff in Front of the Net

Battle for the Puck Along the Boards

Puck Cleared to Center

Line change...

And the Blues Win

Experiencing the Wind in the Windy City...

After the trip to Louisville it was time to visit the familiar confines of Chicago. The trip started with a visit to Piece a pizza joint in downtown Chicago. The pizza was good, and it was a home to many local brews that had won prizes in the area. From there it was off to Hi-Tops sports bar to watch the Eagles v. Texans. Great atmosphere and they had a flip-cup tournament every Thursday. Unfortunately we passed on the flip-cup and headed out to a few other bars in the area; before finishing the night at Justin's (our usual hangout) and we shut the place down with the bartenders. And then had a late night party back at an apartment where we drank and watched "It's a Wonderful Life".

The following evening was spent at the United Center, home of the Blackhawks, and it was a jammed house. The National Anthem was out of this world...the entire building clapped along with the song and it was unlike anything I have ever seen. Our seats standing room only at the very top of the the stadium and watched the game from up above for a little bit. We then walked around the concourses of the stadium, and had Italian beef sandwiches and some beer. We were able to find some abandoned seats and watched the end of the game from them. While sitting there a Blackhawks employee came up to talk with a friend, and on his right hand was the Stanley Cup Championship Ring...covered in about 1,000 diamonds - it was pretty terrific. The Blackhawks lost 3-0 and it disappointing we didn't get to hear the goal horn. After the game we caught a train to Evanston and visited Bluestone bar for some drinks and food. From there it was back to Chicago for some late night drinking, before heading back to the hotel.

Saturday was our final night in Chicago and we spent it watching the Virginia Tech Hokies win another ACC Championship at Justin's. It also happened to be the night of a tacky Christmas sweater pub crawl, where a group of out-of-college wannabe frat-stars showed up and cause some mayhem. From pouring beers on each others' heads, filling up their own beers, and getting thrown out for belligerence - all of this was quite annoying and entertaining (to some extent). After the evening it was back to the hotel to rest up and prepare for the next week.

Form Chicago we headed to Macomb, IL which is home to Western Illinois University. Here we worked on the campus, and were referred to a place called Chick's on the Square. We visited the restaurant after work, and tried their world famous chicken lips. Basically a giant chicken tender smothered in barbecue and hot sauce....they were delicious!